Lawyers as Pillars of the Community or Successful Business Owners: Can We Be Both?

Tedra Cannella

Lawyers as Pillars of the Community or Successful Business Owners: Can We Be Both?

In her recent article for, Tedra Cannella explores the complex duality of modern law practice, where lawyers must balance their ethical obligations with the demands of running a profitable business. On one hand, lawyers are bound by their duties to the courts, their clients, and community, aiming to uphold justice and exemplify public service. On the other hand, law firms operate as businesses, requiring a focus on profitability, business development, and operational efficiency.

Tedra examines how this tension can put lawyers in difficult situations—whether it’s producing required evidence in discovery that you know will hurt your case, advising a client to settle confidentially, or managing the financial impact of pro bono work. She emphasizes that while optimizing business performance is important, ethical duties must always take precedence over business goals.

Tedra further discusses how inadequate enforcement of legal ethics threatens the integrity of the profession, especially in light of serious ethical breaches at the highest levels. When justices at the top of our court system disregard the rules, all lawyers risk losing the trust of the people they are meant to serve.

To address these challenges, Tedra urges lawyers to remain committed to following ethical rules, even when it is difficult or may negatively impact the firm’s financial bottom line. She says, “Our task is to ensure that all the business decisions we make are in service of our duties to the courts, our clients and the good of our communities. We must grow our businesses in a way that is compatible with those duties. It isn’t always easy, but it allows us to live out our profession’s calling: to serve.”

Read the full article on Lawyers as Pillars of the Community or Successful Business Owners: Can We Be Both?
